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April 28 , 2002 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
National Association of Rocketry Dallas Area Rocket Society
PML Io rocket on the pad, April 28, 2002 Sunday, April 28th turned out to be a much nicer day. The field was still moist, but it didn't stick to your shoes, just the rockets. My PML Io, another one of my year+ old rockets that hadn't got to fly, got the knod twice today.
PML Io rocket blasting off, April 28, 2002   My PML Io on an Aerotech F40W.
PML Io recovery area   The Io landed pretty close to the launch pad, but a sonic beacon made it a lot easier to find.
Video of my PML Io rocket, April 28, 2002   A second flight for the Io was a little less than perfect. A weak ejection charge left the parachute in the body tube. It finally deployed about one hundred feet above the ground and had a safe recovery. I lost the battery for the sonic beacon in the process.
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