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Launch Reports
July 24, 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
National Association of Rocketry Dallas Area Rocket Society
Rocket landing safetly by parachute

Moments before touchdown.

David Schultz’s Executioner blasting off David Schultz’s Estes Executioner on an E9 motor.
PML Io launching A PML Io.
Richard Benavides’s rocket

Richard Benavides’s Level 2 rocket ‘Light My Candle!’ launched on a Aerotech I211W.

The rocket, which was lost on this flight, stood 5.5ft x 2.5". Reinforced with two layers of 2oz cloth, it weighed a mere 3lbs. It was another a scratch, RocSiom/own design.  A refitted CPR 2000 held a MW RRC2 with a 12ft long florescent orange streamer and the piston popped out a 54" LOC chute.

First flown at NTHP 20, it reached an altitude of 9683 feet on a Cesaroni Pro 38 J360, landing about 150 feet from the launch pad. Beth and Tim Sapp participated as his L2 certs, Beth was also the Safety Check.  At NTHP 22, it flew to 8600+ feet on a Aerotech I211R.

July 24, 2004 previous

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