The SkyPirate High Powered Rocketry was launched in March of 2001.
This site was produced on a Apple Power Macintosh 8100, using a combination of Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe® Photoshop® and Macromedia Freehand. Ongoing maintenance has been on an Apple G3. Most of the photos and videos were taken with a Sony Mavica FD-88, 1.3 megapixel camera. Videos are in an .mpg format and appear to be ten frames per second. In May of 2004, I upgraded my camera to a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ10 4 megapixel camera.
The site was designed to express my passion for the hobby of high powered rocketry and to cover details that other enthusiast might be interested in. Since it is a hobby site and not a business site, quick downloads were not a priority and the site is not an example of maximum internet efficiency. File sizes for thumbnails were a matter of personal taste and are probably a little on the excessive size.
High Resolution Photos
Most of the photos on this site were shot at 1280 x 960 pixels. Due to limited space, most photos were sized down to 640 x 480 pixels. I will make higher resolution files available on a limited basis if requested and at my discretion.
Professional Experience
Along with a degree in Advertising Art, I have received a lot outstanding software training from Digital Training & Designs, Inc.
I spent about a year providing content management for several online versions of popular magazines, Sound & Vision, Road & Track, Car and Driver, Elle and Travel Holiday. Content Management sounds like a fancy title, but I referred to myself as a cyber-stock boy, who changed the products on the shelves on a regular basis.
I continue to develop multimedia content as an occupation and a hobby.