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PML Intruder 1
National Association of Rocketry Dallas Area Rocket Society
Paint scheme for the PML Intruder
Dallas Area Rocket Transport?
I've had the idea floating around for a while of painting a rocket like the DART busses seen on the streets of Dallas. The PML Intruder was the right rocket at the right time. The sixty degree angles on the trailing edges of the fins perfectly match the angles of the DART logo.

PML Intruder rocket under construction
PML Intruder rocket

Under construction.

Diameter: 3.0"
Height: 58"
Weight: 54 oz.
MMT: 38 mm.

There's a couple of rocketeers who swear by Kilz primer. So, still looking for the "miracle primer", I finally decided to try it on a the PML Intruder.

Kilz comes out of the spray can fast and violent. It will startle you the first time you use it. In fairness, it was windy, but one spray can barely got the rocket covered. Wears off on the G10 fin edges just like all the primers I've tried. Maybe even more. Produced a rough splotchy finish that required more sanding. On the positive side, of the two white primers I've tried, I'd choose it again.

PML Intruder rocket

PML Intruder rocket

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PML Intruder 1

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