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Vector oriented decals done in Freehand
Vector decals.

November 25 , 2002

The decals had gotten off to several of false starts, but I finally found the right person for the job. Brian Sorensen of Sorensen Enterprises did a great job. After looking over the artwork, he made some recommendations, including some to save money! Brian seems to have a "can do" attitude and was great to work with.

Finding some one to print bit mapped graphics was a major obstacle. I provided Brian with a 300 dpi PhotoShop file for the "SkyPiratess". The decals turned out quite good. A dot pattern is visible on close scrutiny.

Photoshop decals PhotoShop decals printed on white vinyl.
warning labels smaller than a dime If you happen to have a magnifying glass, these warning labels might be of some benefit. The warning labels were printed on yellow vinyl and were printed from a 300 dpi PhotoShop file. They are impressively clean for their small size and probably would have been even sharper if I had given Brian an Illustrator or Freehand file.
White vinyl decals applied to the tailfin Estes' "Der Red Max" styled decals applied to the tail fin.

December 1, 2002
The weather just hasn't been cooperative, so I finally decided to apply the skull and cross bones decals.

I should note that I took the original file, increased the resolution and converted it to vectors. Many thanks to the JimZ site.

close up of the white vinyl decals Close-up of the cut white vinyl decals.
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