The nose cone and payload section of the SkyPirate used Dupli-Color
Ultra Silver and Pewter. |
Masking nose cones is a
really tricky challenge. It starts by making sure the primer has
a rough enough surface to cling to. If this step isn't right, there's
little hope for success.
I use 3M Plastic tape to mask nose cone tips. The tape is more
like a stretchy, flexible vinyl and will conform to just about any
shape. It can really hug a surface and provide an excellent seal.
It helps to narrow the width of the tape to about a quarter of an
inch. I do the rest of the masking with traditional blue masking
tape, paper and aluminum foil. Recently,l I've switched to using a commercial masking paper.
The technique for removing the tape is just as important. Let the
paint dry completely. Do not pull the tape off perpendicular to
the surface of the paint. Try to pull the tape off 180 degrees opposite
of way it was applied.