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Painting Stand 1
National Association of Rocketry Dallas Area Rocket Society
Painting stand for rockets made from cinder blocks

Painting Stand
My painting stand consists of cinder blocks and 5/8" x 48" wooden dowel. The half length cinder blocks have a nice groove cut into them that the dowel fits into. Nose cones and payload sections are hand held during the entire paint process.

Nose cones and payload sections are hand held during the entire paint process.

Several notes on the painting stand
Adding another pair of cinder blocks to this set up will raise the height and reduce the chances of insects becoming a permanent fixture in your paint scheme.

Shock cords have a bad habit of working their way out of the forward end of the booster as you rotate it. Find a way to secure them.

The booster has a tendency to drift and get scraped by the cinder blocks you don't keep an eye on it.

Painting Stand 1

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