Chromes will break your heart
Chrome and silver paints are some of the most difficult paints to
work with. Let me try to discourage you by saying you will only
find varying levels of compromise, disappointment and heartache.
Most “chrome” paints are far too delicate for high powered
rocketry and should be avoided.
It is my opinion that most metallic paints will oxidize and become
dull. A clear coat will help seal the finish, but tends to make
them look unnatural. Other chrome paints will be destroyed by a
clear coat. It is very import to test the combination before hand.
Grab an empty aluminum can and start testing. |

Pick Your Poison from left to right Duplicolor Instant Chrome
CS101, Duplicolor Ultra Silver T191, Krylon Bright Silver, Rustoleum
Aluminum 7715 and Rustoleum Silver Metallic 7271.
The five paints were compared to each other and rated on a scale
of one to five on durability and particle size. Five was considered
the most durable. For particle size, a larger number represented
the largest particle size.
Further details about these examples
All five examples were painted on the same day within an hour of
each other. The temperature was 86 degrees and the humidity was
an insane 63%. All examples were painted outdoors, then immediately
stored in cabinets indoors. Even with the high humidity, each example
is a fairly accurate representation of my typical experience with
each paint. Significant effort was made to photograph the examples
under identical conditions.
The horizontal examples are intended to showcase each paint's color,
highlight and shadow characteristics.
The vertical examples are intended demonstrate the reflective quality
of each paint. |
Duplicolor Instant Chrome CS101
Particle Size: 1
Durability: 1
Clear Coat: No
Recommendation: Display only, no handling.
Stunning, spectacular appearance, but a real heart breaker. Cannot
clear coat, touch, buff or dust. Too delicate for model rocketry.
Should not be touched, fingerprints are permanent. Rustoleum has
comparable chrome.
Note the sharpness of the reflections and ability to reflect the
light on to the magazine. |
Duplicolor Ultra Silver T191
Particle Size: 4
Durability: 4
Clear Coat: Yes
Recommendation: Suitable for flying
My personal favorite, in spite of being more challenging to work
with. Particle size is a little large, but coats are very thin (I
would prefer thicker coats). Most durable against chemicals. Can
recoat any time.
Somewhat difficult to work with, it can fog up and look absolutely
awful while wet and dry to perfection. If you can't handle that
kind of stress, try the Krylon instead.
Strongly recommend at least one clear coat.
For other examples, see:
PML Quasar
Upscaled Intruder |
Krylon Bright Chrome 1401
Particle Size: 3
Durability: 3
Clear Coat: Yes
Recommendation: Suitable for flying
High recommended. Easy to use, easy to produce an even appearance.
Somewhat of a matte finish with diffuse reflections, highlights
and shadows. Can recoat any time. Remarkably durable, can be handled
and buffed. For additional protection and durability, consider a
clear coat. |
Rustoleum Aluminum 7715
Particle Size: 2
Durability: 2
Clear Coat: Caution against
Recommendation: Suitable for flying, with limited handling
Very convincing appearance. A clear coat will degrade the appearance
and is not recommend. Durable enough to be flown on smaller rockets.
Minor problems with fingerprints. Limit handling and buffing as
much as possible. |
Rustoleum Silver Metallic 7271
Particle Size: 5
Durability: 5
Clear Coat: Yes
Recommendation: Suitable for flying
This paint was not really designed to be a convincing metallic
paint. The large particles are intended to be very visible and glitter.
Two or three clear coats will significantly enhance the effect.
Imagine a motorcycle helmet or a motorboat.
Very high build, dries almost instantly, very rugged. Unlike many
Rustoleum paints, can recoat any time. Requires three to four coats
for an even finish. This can has three coats and you can still see
the logo slightly.
For other examples, see:
PML Explorer |
The nose cone for my PML Quasar. |
The opinions expressed are based solely on my experience and are only
intended to address each paint's suitability for the hobby of sport
rocketry. |